Monday 5 March 2012



BSN NITRIX® is what's called an a.m. to p.m. vaso-muscular dilator. This product works by expanding your blood vessels, which acts to increase blood flow, oxygen and nutrient delivery to your muscle cells. By ensuring the efficient travel of blood and nutrients throughout the body, you will experience improved workout performance, amazing pumps, all-day muscle fullness and vascularity, greater energy, a heightened resistance to fatigue and a greater ability to recover. NITRIX® is the foundation to all of your supplementation needs. Live for the pump!

Advanced Vaso-Muscular Volumizer Promotes A Full Body Pump!
BSN NITRIX® is what’s called an a.m. to p.m. vaso-muscular dilator. This product works by expanding your blood vessels, which acts to increase blood flow, oxygen and nutrient delivery to your muscle cells. By ensuring the efficient travel of blood and nutrients throughout the body, you will experience improved workout performance, amazing pumps, all-day muscle fullness and vascularity, greater energy, a heightened resistance to fatigue and a greater ability to recover. NITRIX® is the foundation to all of your supplementation needs. Live for the pump!™

Nitrix Highlights:

• Sustained release formula volumizes muscle tissue for all-day vascularity, pumps, tone and hardness

• Promotes tissue recovery, repair, and endurance

• Reduces muscle/joint pain and stiffness

• Supports maximal Nitric Oxide (NO) levels

• Increases anaerobic working capacity of muscle tissue

• Increases muscle carnosine content

Nitrix Benefits:

• Increases blood flow for improved performance and working capacity of muscles

• Accelerates removal of metabolic waste products like lactic acid; improves recovery, strength, power, endurance and strength-mediated sports performance

• Maximizes nutrient shuttling to muscle tissue; helps fully utilize calories while minimizing fat storage

• Provides foundation for all supplements; improves delivery/uptake of all other supplements

• Increases muscle tone, and hardness; helps condition "flabby" muscles

Directions For BSN Nitrix: Recommended for persons under 200 lbs: Take 3 tablets 3 times per day (everyday). Always take on an empty stomach (i.e approximately 30-45 minutes before meals or 2 hours after a meal.) Taking with food or on a full stomach may diminish its effects. Take the first 3 tablets in the morning upon arising, the second 3 tablets before lunch, and the final 3 tablets before dinner.
Recommended for persons over 200 lbs: Follow the same guidelines as above, but take 4 tablets 3 times per day (everyday) on an empty stomach.
Warnings: Before using product, seek advice from a health care practitioner if you are unaware of your current health condition or have any pre-existing medical condition including but not limited to: high or low blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia, stroke, heart, liver or thyroid disease, anxiety, depression, seizure disorder, psychiatric disease, diabetes, pernicious anemia, difficulty urinating due to prostate enlargement or if you are taking an MAO inhibitor or any other medication. Do not use if you are pregnant, nursing, prone to dehydration or exposed to excessive heat. Reduce or discontinue use if sleeplessness, tremors, dizziness, nervousness, headaches, or heart palpitations occur. Not intended for use by persons under the age of 18.


Q: Can I break my NITRIX® tabs in half, and take them that way since I have a hard time swallowing the tablets whole?

A: We do not suggest breaking NITRIX® tablets. NITRIX® contains a unique delivery system called Methocel®, which is compressed into every tablet. This delivery system is what supports elevated nitric oxide levels for 7-9 hours after each serving, producing what many have called the “perpetual pump.” By breaking the tablets in half, you may minimize the time-released component of the NITRIX® formula, and not get the “perpetual pump” effect.

Q: Do I really need to take NITRIX® on non-training days?

A: Unlike N.O.-XPLODE™, which is meant specifically for pre-training, NITRIX® is intended to be used on a daily basis, as a means to increasing blood vessel dilation, training or non-training. When you dilate a blood vessel, and keep it dilated, you are essentially opening it up and creating a bigger pathway for nutrients to travel on – a bigger “road” so to speak. With a bigger pathway, more of the nutrients from the food you consume (i.e. proteins and carbohydrates) get to the muscle cell more efficiently, where they can be absorbed and utilized. This means you will have more usable fuel readily available, as well as better recovery. NITRIX® will increase the effectiveness of everything you ingest, from food to other supplements. That’s one of the main reasons why it’s very important to consume NITRIX® everyday. Please follow the usage guidelines on the label, including the instructions about cycling on and off NITRIX®.

Q: Why don’t I feel the effects of NITRIX® as quickly as I do with N.O.-XPLODE™?

A: NITRIX® is an AM to PM vaso-muscular volumizer, which has a sustained-release delivery system that allows the ingredients to be released into your body for up to 9 hours after ingestion. NITRIX® is not meant to act as quickly as N.O.-XPLODE™. Each product has a different means of activation. NITRIX® produces a sustained release effect, whereby more nutrients and oxygen are delivered to your muscles, which are essential for muscle growth and recovery. Even though you may not feel NITRIX® as quickly as you do N.O.-XPLODE™, rest assured that it’s working to make everything function that much better. Your body’s chemistry and weight will determine how long it takes to experience the effects of NITRIX®. As you consistently take NITRIX® over the initial 7-14 day period, the levels of nitric oxide will build up in your body. Each week thereafter, the effects of the product will become more pronounced. NITRIX® begins to induce its maximum vaso-muscular volumizing effects in weeks 3 to 12, leading to a sustained, “perpetual pump” and increased vascularity. Be patient and stay consistent on your dosing to reap the most benefits from NITRIX®.

Q: The NITRIX® label says to limit my intake of glutamine supplements to 10 grams or less per day. Why? Also, is glutamine and glutamic acid the same thing when it’s listed on a protein label?

A: When tests are run on a protein supplement to determine how much of each amino acid is present, glutamine can end up being converted into glutamic acid and ammonia. The result is that some glutamine shows up as glutamic acid on the label. If the amino acid profile shown on the label of your protein supplement indicates that for example, 9 grams of glutamic acid is present, only a few grams of that may actually reflect glutamine that was converted into glutamic acid during testing. Remember also that the protein lists the amino acid profile for each amino acid in the protein. These amino acids are bonded together (peptide bonded) to make up that protein. They are not free form amino acids. In some of the initial alpha and beta testing in-house NITRIX® testing, subjects found that adding glutamine to NITRIX® "cancelled out" its effects. Why this may occur has been discussed in several published scientific studies, but at this stage is not 100% completely understood within the scientific community. One theory is that glutamine may reduce the availability of arginine for nitric oxide (NO) synthesizing enzymes. Thus, when you take high dosages of glutamine, less arginine ends up getting converted into NO. For this reason, we recommend limiting your intake of free form L-glutamine to 10 grams or less daily when taking NITRIX®.

Q: I weigh over 200 pounds. Can I take less NITRIX® than recommended on the label?

A: We recommend following the usage instructions on the label. If you’re under 200 pounds; take 3 tablets, 3 times per day on an empty stomach. If you’ve over 200 pounds, take 4 tablets, 3 times per day on an empty stomach. It’s important to remember that as the amount of lean muscle mass you carry increases, so does the size of your blood vessels. If the size of a blood vessel increases, it will take more nitric oxide to fully expand (dilate) that blood vessel. That’s why it’s very important to take 4 tablets, 3 times per day if your body weight is over 200 pounds (especially if you are lean) in order to maximize vasodilation and get the most out of NITRIX®.

Q: CELLMASS® contains glutamine, and the NITRIX® label says to limit my consumption of glutamine. There are times in the day when my servings of CELLMASS® and NITRIX™ coinside. Can I take them together, or do I have to wait a certain amount of time?

A: When taking NITRIX®, you are able to take your serving of CELLMASS® at the exact same time. The reference to the amino acid glutamine that we refer to is its free form state. An amino acid is typically one portion of a chain of amino acids that make up a protein. This peptide bonding gives the amino acids strength and stability. By isolating an amino acid, returning it to its free form state, it may lose some stability, thus not absorb fully and efficiently. In the case of glutamine, unabsorbed glutamine converts to ammonia gas, which has been found to inhibit nitric oxide production. With CELLMASS®, we have given glutamine stability by bonding it to AKG (Alpha-Ketoglutarate). AKG is a Krebs Cycle intermediate and acts similarly to a leash. To simplify, the cells recognize AKG as part of the Krebs Cycle and as such, let it in, so to speak. Whatever is bound to that AKG, will enter the cell as well. So the glutamine in CELLMASS® is stable, lending itself to muscle recovery, and not hindering nitric oxide production.

Q: I heard that L-arginine may affect your immune system and cause a viral outbreak in those people prone to it. Is this true?

A: If you have a weakened immune system and/or are prone to viral outbreaks, please consult with your physician prior to using any arginine and/or protein based supplements. Furthermore, if you are concerned with arginine, or any supplement for that matter affecting your health, the same advice applies.

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